Who we are, what we stand for and why we built @sipp are all rooted in our vision and our values.

We aim to achieve this by living our values:

  • Focusing on our clients’ needs and aspirations.
  • Providing a high standard of professional and friendly service
  • Using self-investment to develop our company and people
  • Emphasising teamwork in improving our performance
  • Demonstrating integrity in all our activities

These values describe how we aim to operate on a day-by-day basis, as we pursue our vision. They are like a figurehead on a ship: guiding symbols of the behaviour that will help us move towards our vision. We bring our values to life every day:

Teamwork By working together and helping each other, we perform to our fullest potential.
Integrity We value our independence, trustworthiness, soundness and transparency.
Clients We focus on clients, taking time to understand their needs and aspirations, and to help them achieve success.
Service We deliver the highest standards, with a service that is personal, professional, flexible, efficient, accessible, speedy and adds value.
Self-investment We have well-trained, knowledgeable and committed staff. We believe that investing in our people means investing in our own future.